
The Guardian - 22/12/14: Esfuerzos por erradicar la trata en el Perú socavados por el crecimiento económico

Esfuerzos por erradicar la trata socavados por el crecimiento económico

Medio: The Guardian (Reino Unido)
Edición: digital
Fecha: 22 de diciembre de 2014

Inequality in south American country blamed for trade that involves a disproportionate number of indigenous girls and women. Efforts to help thousands of trafficked children and adults in Peru are being undermined by a strong economy, enduring social and ethnic inequalities, and a lack of awareness, the head of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in the country has warned.

José Iván Dávalos, the IOM’s head of mission in Peru, said that despite increasing political will to tackle human trafficking, progress was being thwarted by the assumption that the upper-middle-income country -which had a GDP growth rate of 5.8% last year- no longer needs help from NGOs and international agencies.

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